Kontraktor Terpercaya dan Supplier Berkualitas

General Contractor and suppiler

PT Multi Dimensi Kreasindo, solusi konstruksi dan trading Anda.

Layanan kontraktor untuk aspal jalan yang handal.

General trading dengan pengalaman dan reputasi kuat.

Bermitra dengan klien besar di industri.

A construction site covered with blue scaffolding is visible. Several signs and banners advertising construction companies and services are attached to the scaffolding. There are details indicating restoration work being done, including contact information and project descriptions.
A construction site covered with blue scaffolding is visible. Several signs and banners advertising construction companies and services are attached to the scaffolding. There are details indicating restoration work being done, including contact information and project descriptions.
A street undergoing construction, with a yellow excavator in the center lifting dirt. Surrounding the construction site are tall buildings on both sides of the street, with various shops and parked vehicles. There is a blue container labeled 'KWS' on the left and construction materials scattered throughout the area. The sky is partly cloudy.
A street undergoing construction, with a yellow excavator in the center lifting dirt. Surrounding the construction site are tall buildings on both sides of the street, with various shops and parked vehicles. There is a blue container labeled 'KWS' on the left and construction materials scattered throughout the area. The sky is partly cloudy.

PT Multi Dimensi Kreasindo

PT. MULTI DIMENSI KREASINDO senantiasa berkomitmen melakukan layanan yang terbaik kepada pelanggan / customer dengan mutu bekerja yang terbaik seperti :

  • Bersikap professional disetiap pekerjaan

  • Bertanggung jawab dalam setiap pekerjaan untuk mencapai harapan dan keinginan pelanggan / customer

  • Proaktif didalam peningkatan komunikasi dan ke-- mitraan

  • Disiplin dan bertanggung jawab

Kebijakan Mutu
Kebijakan Lingkungan

PT. MULTI DIMENSI KREASINDO didalam setiap lingkup pekerjaan senantiasa untuk menjaga lingkungan sekitar lokasi dengan melakukan pengontrolan disetiap project untuk mengantisipasi dampak daripada pekerjaan yang sedang dikerjakan aktivitas dan mengimplementasikannya dalam evaluasi pencegahan serta pelestarian terhadap lingkungan

PT. MULTIDIMENSIKREASINDOdidirikan padatahun 2016 Dengan Akta pendirian No. 10 , pada tanggal 04 Maret 2016 oleh Notaris KHANIEF, S.H., m.KN. Akta pendirian tersebut disahkan oleh Menteri Hukum dan Hak Azasi Manusia Republik Indonesia No. AHU 0012137,AH.01.01,Tahun2016

Didalam era Globalisasi untuk meningkatkan daya saing dan pelayanan , PT. MULTI DIMENSI KREASINDO adalah perusahaan yang senantiasa melakukan perbaikan dalam system untuk pencapaian yang dimaksud diatas , dengan didukung oleh tenaga professional dan berpengalaman yang membawa PT. MULTI DIMENSIKREASINDO menjadiperusahaanyang terpacaya

Layanan Kami

Kami menyediakan jasa kontraktor dan trading dengan pengalaman luas di berbagai proyek.

Kontraktor Umum
An intricate construction site with a complex framework of red steel beams and scaffolding stands prominently. Several white structural supports and yellow braces are visible, indicating an ongoing building project. The foreground displays signage in a language suggesting construction of luxury apartments.
An intricate construction site with a complex framework of red steel beams and scaffolding stands prominently. Several white structural supports and yellow braces are visible, indicating an ongoing building project. The foreground displays signage in a language suggesting construction of luxury apartments.

Menyediakan layanan kontraktor untuk proyek konstruksi dan infrastruktur yang berkualitas.

Workers wearing helmets and safety gear are engaged in construction activities on a building site with scaffolding and wooden and metal frames visible.
Workers wearing helmets and safety gear are engaged in construction activities on a building site with scaffolding and wooden and metal frames visible.
Aspal Jalan

Spesialis dalam pengaspalan jalan dengan standar tinggi dan pengalaman yang terpercaya.

General Trading Terpercaya

Layanan trading untuk berbagai kebutuhan industri dan komersial.

Proyek Kami

Kami telah menyelesaikan berbagai proyek untuk klien terkemuka.

Klien Terpercaya

• PT. Hutama Karya • PT. Yamaha Electric • PT. Panasonic Battery • PT. SinarmasAgro. tbk • PT. Hankook Tire • PT. Cocacola amatil • PT. Fukusuke Kogya • PT. Binder • PT.Nissin. • Hotel Golden Tulip • Bank Kesejahteraan • Pengadilan Negeri Bekasi • Pengadilan Jakarta Timur • PT. Lautan Jaya Kumala • PT. Bandar Buah • PT. Meiwa Mould. • PT. Parker • Bursa Sajada.

Kami memberikan layanan kontraktor dan penyediaan material berkualitas tinggi.

Layanan Kami

Sebagai kontraktor umum, kami menyediakan layanan aspal jalan dan trading, dengan pengalaman yang luas dalam berbagai proyek konstruksi dan penyediaan material.

woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

Pelayanan PT Multi Dimensi Kreasindo sangat memuaskan, proyek kami selesai tepat waktu dan berkualitas tinggi.

Budi Santoso

A construction site with a large, metallic building featuring the CSCEC logo and Chinese characters on it. Surrounding the building are tall apartment complexes in the background. Signs are visible, including one indicating an exit with English and Chinese text, and several informational signs in Chinese.
A construction site with a large, metallic building featuring the CSCEC logo and Chinese characters on it. Surrounding the building are tall apartment complexes in the background. Signs are visible, including one indicating an exit with English and Chinese text, and several informational signs in Chinese.

Kami sangat puas dengan hasil kerja mereka, profesional dan selalu siap membantu dalam setiap proyek.

Siti Rahma

A construction site with a concrete mixer pouring concrete into a large yellow container. Several metal structures and concrete slabs are scattered around. A worker wearing a blue jacket and dark pants is standing next to the mixer, overseeing the process.
A construction site with a concrete mixer pouring concrete into a large yellow container. Several metal structures and concrete slabs are scattered around. A worker wearing a blue jacket and dark pants is standing next to the mixer, overseeing the process.